Appointments Committee


Committee on Appointments, duties

Established by the Town Council Rules of Procedure, meets as needed

The duties of the Committee on Appointments, in addition to any items assigned to it by the Council, shall be to make recommendations, to various positions and offices which are to be properly filled by the Council except for Council Committees, standing or ad-hoc.  The Committee shall recommend persons who have demonstrated sufficient interest and are willing and able to serve in any office or position to be filled.  The Committee may designate one nominee per year opening as its recommended candidate, and all others shall be alternates.  Spouses shall not serve on the same committee or board.  Applications shall be retained for a six-month period from the date submitted.  To extend this period, applicants must notify the Town Clerk’s Office.  Committee seats may be advertised at the signboard at the Standish Municipal Center, through Council meeting announcements, Cable Television, local media and Municipal Center posting.  Appointments shall not be placed on a Council agenda until the Appointments Committee had met to review pending applications.

Staff Contacts
