Planning Board Meeting Minutes cont'd 11-09-2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 9, 2015

Standish Planning Board

Continued Meeting Minutes

November 09, 2015


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Carol Billington at 7:32pm. There was a workshop held before the meeting with the applicant, Walter Butler. Present were Mike Willette, Cindy Beckwith, Alta Harding, Bud Benson, Town Planner and Jackie Dyer, Secretary to the Planning Board. Absent were Brian Libby, Adam Higgins and Amanda Martin.

Mrs. Billington said they are hoping to approve the application tonight. She said the access road piece of the approval has been removed from the application.

Mrs. Billington asked for a motion to find the application complete. Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith to find the application complete. All in favor.

Mr. Benson said the applicant has not passed out the final plans to the Board, but they did see them in the workshop held just before this continued meeting. He said the only changes were the relocation of the building (greenhouse) and the removal of the access road. Andy Morrell from BH2M gave a brief description of what they have done. They have moved the greenhouse to a different location and also the size of the greenhouse is smaller than they originally had stated. It is now 30’x60’ and the parking spaces on the side of the building remain, but the access road has been removed.

The following are the Standards and Conditions for Approval 181-73:

No preliminary or final site plan shall be approved unless, in the judgment of the Planning Board, the applicant has proven that the plan meets all of the following standards.

A.     The provisions for vehicular loading, unloading and parking and for vehicular and pedestrian circulation on the site and onto adjacent public streets and ways will not create hazards to safety nor will impose a significant burden upon public facilities.   Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Willette that Standard A has been met. All in favor.

B.     The bulk location and height of proposed buildings and structures and the proposed uses thereof will not be detrimental or will impose undue burdens on the public facilities.   Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard B has been met. All in favor.

C.     The provisions of on-site landscaping and screening do provide adequate protection to neighboring properties from detrimental features of the development.    Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard C has been met. All in favor.

D.     The site plan adequately provides for the soil and drainage problems that the development will create.   Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Willette that Standard D has been met. All in favor.

E.     The provisions for exterior lighting will not create undue hazards to motorists traveling on adjacent public streets nor are inadequate for the safety of occupants or users of the site nor will such lighting damage the value and diminish the usability of adjacent properties.     Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard E has been met. All in favor.

F.     The applicant has provided reasonable evidence of his financial capabilities to complete the development as planned and approved.         Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard F has been met. All in favor.

G.     The proposed development will not create undue fire safety hazards by not providing adequate access to the site or the buildings on the site for emergency vehicles or by failure to meet other fire safety ordinances or laws. The Fire Department shall file a written report with the Planning Board prior to the hearing.     Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard G has been met. All in favor

H.     The proposed development has made adequate provision for sewage disposal.     Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Willette that Standard H has been met. All in favor.

I.     The proposed site plan will not alter the existing character of the surrounding zoning district or division to the extent that it will become a detriment or potential nuisance to said zoning division or district.    Mr. Willette made a motion seconded by Mrs. Harding that Standard I has been met. All in favor.

J.     The proposed development has made adequate provision for water supply, including an adequate supply of water for fire-protection purposes.       Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith that Standard J has been met. All in favor.

K.     No plan shall be approved by the Planning Board as long as the applicant is in default on a previously approved plan.          Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Willette that Standard K has been met. All in favor.

L.     Architectural drawings showing exteriors of proposed new nonresidential/commercial buildings in the Village Center District shall be compatible with a Colonial New England design. Such design can be achieved by incorporating features such as, but not limited to, broken rooflines, clapboard siding, steeply pitched roofs, roof overhangs, small pane windows, dormers, window shutters.      Mr. Willette made a motion seconded by Mrs. Harding that Standard L has been met. All in favor.

M.     Within the Standish Corner District, the plan must meet all of the following additional standards:

Standard M does not apply.

Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Willette that all standards and conditions have been met. All in favor.

Mrs. Billington said all of the standards have been met and the application is approved.

She said it also goes along with the standard condition of approval. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.