Standish Planning Board Meeting Minutes 06/06/2016

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 6, 2016

                                                            Standish Planning Board

                                                            Meeting Minutes

                                                               June 06, 2016


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Carol Billington at 7:03pm. Present were Mike Willette, Brian Libby, Alta Harding, Adam Higgins, Cindy Beckwith, Bud Benson, Town Planner and Jackie Dyer, secretary to the Planning Board. Absent was Amanda Martin.


Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 04, 2016, May 02, 2016 and May 16, 2016


Mrs. Billington said we are looking for approval of the meeting minutes from three meetings. Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mrs. Beckwith to approve the meeting minutes from April 04, 2016. All in favor. She said that she had a couple of comments on the meeting minutes, which she had already spoken to the secretary about. She felt that on the May 02, 2016 minutes there was a paragraph on the St. Joseph’s College application that had not properly captured what she had said. She said the secretary would review the tape and amend the minutes, email them to her and let her okay them. Mrs. Harding said she was not comfortable approving the minutes and would rather make a motion to approve the May minutes until the July meeting. She made a motion to move the approval of the May minutes to the July meeting, seconded by Mr. Libby.  All in favor.


Approval of Finding of Fact :


Alan & Jane Bell, 23 Burke Rd. Ext., Map 20, Lot 5C- Shoreland Zoning Application


Grondin Aggregate, LLC., 295 Middle Road, Map 9, Lot 15-5 year gravel pit renewal


Mr. Libby made a motion to approve both Findings of Fact as a group, seconded by Mrs. Harding. All in favor. Mrs. Billington said the Findings of Fact are available at the Town Hall for anyone to come and look at.


 Old Business:


Item #1          Acres of Wildlife, Pequawket Trail, Map 11, Lots 1-4 Site Plan Review

Item #2          Mark L. Woodbrey, 175 Stuart Shores Road, Map 59, Lot 19A-               Shoreland Zoning Application

Item #3          Michael Lyons, dba Tower Publishing, 650 Cape Road, Map 3, Lot 20-    Site Plan Application



Acres of Wildlife, Pequawket Trail, Map 11, Lots 1-4 Site Plan Review


Mrs. Billington said the Acres of Wildlife application has been on the agenda for months. She said all of them met with Dan Hill a week ago and try to get the CEO approval so they can operate this summer. She said they are trying to make sure the buildings they have there are safe and Dan would be the one able to issue an occupancy permit for the summer. She said they are still trying to do a contract zone for them. She said the attorney said that we still need to keep it on the agenda until things are settled. Mr. Libby made a motion seconded by Mrs. Harding to table this application to the July meeting. All in favor.



Mark L. Woodbrey, 175 Stuart Shores Road, Map 59, Lot 19A-Shoreland Zoning Application


Albert Frick was present to represent Mark Woodbrey. He gave a brief description of the project and Mrs. Billington said she felt bad when it came time to vote on the application as she was not able to be on the site walk. She said Mrs. Harding and Mr. Higgins had not seen it either. Mrs. Billington asked for Mr. Libby to lead the discussion and Mr. Libby told her there was no reason why she couldn’t. Mr. Frick said the survey done many years ago had recently been updated.


He said there is an existing deck on the cottage that is now 60 feet back and with the new proposal that would be back 68 feet. He said the existing house was 75 feet from the water now and would be 80 feet back when finished. He said they can’t go any further back than this because of the knoll and existing driveway. Also, they have moved the leech bed as far back into the corner of the lot that they can. He said the height of the building would be 30’feet 2”, and that’s below the standard the Town has now. The proposed size of the new building would be 36”x2”.


Mark Woodbrey said when did the survey of the old house was done, it was only 17 feet from the side set back and with the new one, it would be 30” and further from the lake. Mr. Frick said the proposed structure would be back further making it good. The septic tank is in front of the existing foundation now and will be moved behind the structure. Mrs. Beckwith asked about the leach field and Mr. Frick told her they have moved it back as far as they could. He said the bank by it is very steep and also there is a retaining wall. He said they are installing a smaller system and have moved it back as far as they could


Mrs. Harding asked if the residence is year round or seasonal. Mr. Woodbrey said its year round residence with a furnace in the basement which he said they shut down in the winter. Mr. Frick said this system would meet conversional standards and the septic system has to be back more than 80 feet from the water, which is in compliance. The residence won’t be 100 feet back from the lake, but the septic and the well will be.


Mrs. Beckwith said they are asking for a variance of 20 feet. Mrs. Billington said that is not the case, it’s needing to make sure it’s being moved back to the maximum practical extent.

Mr. Libby said he had been on the site walk and the applicant is very limited to how far back they can go. He said there is the steep bank, the driveway and they are pretty boxed in. Mrs. Harding said she has seen enough of these applications to vote on it. She made the motion to find the application complete, seconded by Mr. Libby. All in favor.


Mrs. Billington said they could move on to the standards of approval as listed on the memo, A through H. Mr. Benson said the Board can go one by one, he said many of them are going to the Code Enforcement Officer as he is the one that goes on site and makes the modifications if needed. He said he has some suggested conditions of approval, but they can go through them one by one. Mrs. Billington, Mr. Libby and Mr. Higgins said after being on some site walks, this is pretty straight forward. A motion was made by Mrs. Harding to approve the application, seconded by Mrs. Beckwith, along with Mr. Benson’s conditions of approval as stated on the memo. All in favor.


Michael Lyons, dba Tower Publishing, 650 Cape Road, Map 3, Lot 20-    Site Plan Application


Mrs. Billington said this application was tabled from last month and the applicant has requested to have this tabled to the meeting in July. Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Higgins to table this to the July 11, 2016 meeting. All in favor.


Mrs. Harding made a motion seconded by Mr. Libby to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.