Standish Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 10, 2023

                                            Standish Planning Board

                                                      Meeting Minutes

                                                        July 10, 2023




The meeting of the Standish Planning Board was called to order by Chairman Charles Brown. Present were Derek Wright, Deb Boxer, Patrick Gere, Andrew Walton, Carolyn Biegel, Scott Hastings-Town Planner and Jackie Dyer, Admin. to Town Planner and Planning Board. Absent was Frank Nappi.


Open Meeting

           a.        Call to order-Chairman Charles Brown

           b.       Opening Statement from Planning Board Chairman Brown

           c.        Declaration of a Quorum-6

Mr. Brown welcomed newly elected Planning Board members Patrick Gere and Carolyn Biegel.


Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 05, 2023


Mrs. Boxer made a motion seconded by Mr. Wright to approve the minutes as written. Four in favor, with 2 abstaining.


Approval of Finding of Fact:

  • Nancy Mancini, 23 Wards Cove Rd., Map 50, Lot 23-Shoreland Zoning Application to remove existing cottage and build new home.


Mr. Walton made a motion to accept the Finding of Fact as written, seconded by Mr. Brown. Three in favor, with 3 abstaining. Mr. Hastings said that this is not a tie, motion carries.


  • Mark Goodwin,234 Northeast Road, Suite 10, 15-Site Plan Application to change to a cannabis dispensary classification for State licensing.


Mr. Walton made a motion to accept the Finding of Fact as written, seconded by Mrs. Boxer. Four in favor with two abstaining.


Old Business:

  • Primax Properties (Tractor Supply), 63 Ossipee Trl E, Map 10, Lot 97 A-Site Plan Application to build Tractor Supply


Mr. Brown said the process tonight is to go over the architectural standards and modifications. Adam was here to represent Primax Properties, Tractor Supply. He said they are not here to seek approval tonight, just get three waivers and move onto the next step. He said they made significant changes to the elevations to meet the form-based code. He said they eliminated the split face block siding and added clapboards. The roof line is changed, they have added a kind of porch colonnade, the color has changed to look more like a New England look. They included windows and doors to meet the code. He said they cannot meet three of the code requirements and for these they are asking for waivers. They will include the doors required, but they would be locked during their business hours and have shelves and displays in front of them. He said there will be primary doors for people to enter and exit. Mr. Brown asked about the locked doors and were they breakaway doors that you could push to get out. Adam told him they are regular doors and by fire code they do not need to be emergency assessable as they already have those in the front and the rear.

He said they are real windows and have glass that is a cleaner look but not see through. He said that if Tractor Supply ever left, these doors can be opened, and use of smaller space can be utilized with the existing exterior doors already in place. He said the peaked roof would be a massive roof and very expensive.


Adam said they are trying to meet the intent of the district. Mr. Hastings said he feels they are making a good faith effort to meet as much of the code as possible and the Board needs to decide if they can grant them the waivers they are asking for. He said if they went with a pitched roof, the roof would be 96 feet high, and the maximum is 35 feet. Mr. Brown said their signage is missing from the building and Mr. Hastings said the Board is not approving the sign. Adam said Tractor Supply will handle the sign themselves if approved. Mr. Brown said the sign they have is way too big. Mrs. Boxer said the renderings do look much better. The back side was not required to be dressed like the rest of the building and wasn’t changed. Mr. Wright said that he thought that potentially there would be foot traffic down along the side of the building. Mr. Brown said this is really not a flat roof, but has runoff into the storm drains.


Mrs. Biegel said she could appreciate the efforts to improve the plan, but said what is missing is the rationale behind having the doors and the windows, and the flat roof or the outdoor display. She said the whole area was supposed to be pedestrian friendly and compatible with the civic and residential spaces in the village. The main entrance was supposed to be along the street. She said that purpose for having doors and windows along the street is to bring pedestrians down the street, window shopping, to pique the interest of people going by. She said when she looks at this, it completely misses the mark of what the Form Based Code is trying to accomplish. She said the code stated that outdoor displays can only be during hours of operation and the merchandise needs to be taken in at night.  The code also states you are not supposed to have on display all the merchandise associated with Tract Supply. Flat roof buildings are supposed to be located on the Gateway. Adam said the only thing he sees that the code doesn’t allow for is the three items they are asking for waivers on. Mrs. Biegel read the definition of outdoor display and sales from the code book which excluded garden supplies, farm equipment, landscape materials.  Adam said they have not gotten to present the complete site plan right now, just on the waivers they have asked for.

Mr. Walton said he wanted to thank them for their hard work. He said his problem is that the ordinance that forces doors that may not be used in his lifetime. He sees a ghost town, nothing happening, just a building that isn’t doing anything along the street side.  He had asked if the doors could be made functional by adding stores to lease and was told it couldn’t be done. He asked the planner if the doors could be waived. In his mind, we forcing something that will not be used for decades. We’re not enticing anybody to walk and use them as they are unusable. Mr. Hastings said the applicant can come to the board with a design provided that the board finds the intent has been made. Mr. Walton asked if the road could end sooner? Adam said they needed the road to go around for deliveries and turning. He said that the back part of the property might eventually be built upon and that is why the road is being run to the end of their property.  Mrs. Biegel said that to approve any modifications, the intent of the code which is a pedestrian scaled project has to be found to modify any element. Clearly this project is not pedestrian scaled. The main entry is supposed to be on the Town Avenue, which would require an additional modification. She doesn’t understand how a building of this size and function that is supposed to be compatible with other village scaled building – this will be the new norm.  You have to know that when you have a small box store in the village, what comes next will be similar. That’s what form and function and compatibility is about. To grant any modification, we have to first deem this to be pedestrian scaled as the code calls for. She said she chaired the committee that developed the code which was based on the Comprehensive Plan and the vision derived from the public forums of stakeholders. Mrs. Biegel said that this project does not meet the plan that was drawn up and it is not compatible. She said the twenty thousand square feet of outdoor sales is not allowed in this area.

Adam said he doesn’t know the code very well and is he missing something. Mrs. Biegel said if this was designed right, the doors would all work, the windows would all be see through and this would be pedestrian friendly. She said it’s supposed to invite a lot of pedestrian traffic in and out of the stores. Adam said he understands, and he is only asking for a couple of waivers based on the code. Mr. Gere said that it looks like sidewalks and some pedestrian facilities are in the renderings and it might be beneficial to allow some kind of connection to a future sidewalk on Ossipee Trail. He said that he feels there are some areas of potential improvement that the Board can work with him on. Mr. Brown asked about some window boxes and Adam said that it would be difficult as there is very little depth.

Mr. Gere asked if other communities have had them make adjustments and Adam said there have been. He said Tractor Supply is a very accommodating retailer and this is one of the most elaborate buildings they have done. Mrs. Biegel said looking at the dormers and the windows, she feels like they are bending what they want vs. finding the right spot in Standish. She said she had never seen a Tractor Supply located in the heart of any village.

She said the buildings in Gorham have a colonial look and are welcoming. She said location for a place is everything and she can’t find one element that works for this project. She said for the Board to say let’s modify she wonders why we have the code to begin with. Mrs. Boxer said this doesn’t match within the code and are we allowed to throw the code and that vision out. Mrs. Boxer said if this is not part of the comprehensive code, why are we looking at this? Mrs. Biegel said she is passionate about this and with this, it would just be all thrown out and the building doesn’t function as its depicted. Mrs. Biegel said either we need to look at the code and figure it out or don’t bother to do another Comprehensive Plan.

Mrs. Biegel said this project and the code are miles apart. Adam said he doesn’t understand as he is just asking tonight for the three minor waivers. Mrs. Biegel said that the code invites pedestrians in and Adam said this does invite them and asked if he was just reading differently than she was. He said he is not asking for a wholesale use variance, just three minor waivers. Mrs. Biegel read from code book “pedestrian use that the land use is intended to encourage walk in customers, provide spontaneous draw from the sidewalk due to visual interest, high customer turnover and social interaction. Mr. Hasting said the definition is just that and not the code. Mr. Hastings said that in considering the modifications the board can reference Section 4, FBC street types. He read the TA type is a walkable environment defined by scale and placement of buildings and includes a mixture of compatible residential, retail, entertainment, professional and live work uses. That is part of the intention. The overall aspect of the street is walkable. That is a thing as a part of reviewing it. Mrs. Biegel told Mr. Hastings that he skipped over quickly was the environment defined by scale. Mr. Hastings said he has read about 80’ high and 300’ long old mill buildings that were examples of the best pedestrian scaled development. The reason there is a Planning Board is to work through things that are not clearly defined. Mr. Walton said if we grant the waiver for the windows and doors, this sets the board up for other things. Mrs. Biegel stated she is reading directly from the code 181.7.1 the intent of the FBC is to strengthen and/or establish mixed-use, interconnected, village scaled neighborhoods… and this is followed by defined terms that include pedestrian-oriented use and outdoor display sales… this is all part of the Village District code. Section B, 7 General Standards, c 1 “The Planning Board may modify elements of these building form standards provided that it finds the overall intentions of the district and street frontage type are being met.” She gave Leavitt Earthworks prior project as an example. Mr. Hastings said this is an allowed use in every district in Town with the CEO approval. Mr. Hastings said that outdoor sales is allowed with this as retail sales. Mrs. Boxer asked about outdoors sales and if the board can deny it. Mr. Hastings said it is allowed and the Board cannot deny it. Public hearing was opened:

  • Dana Lampron from Westerlea Way said that no matter what is done, Mrs. Biegel will not agree with it and she is completely against this project. Dana said that you would go in from the front, nothing to do with walking in from the street. He said that Primax has bent over backwards for the Town with this building. He said the building isn’t 30 feet tall and is right alongside the Hannaford Plaza. He said that Mrs. Biegel was in the audience way before she was elected and was against this project fully, is conflicted, and should be asked to recuse herself from this project.
  • Pat Whitten from Sunflower Lane spoke. She said that they have drainage issues right now and can see more from this project as it comes from that area. Mr. Brown said that once they get a sight plan, they should be able to see how the drainage will be handled. She asked about a traffic study and Mr. Hastings said one has not been submitted yet. Mrs. Whitten said that they are concerned about traffic and the added burden. She said there is a lot of traffic on Rose Lane and more anticipated when the childcare facility opens. She said there are issues with the other nearby businesses concerning traffic, along with the Hannaford light and traffic. She said she likes Tractor Supply but wouldn’t want to see one in the center of Town but not on the main street and in the village community. She said this will cause an issue with Rt.25.
  • Anthony Folsom, Dolloff Road asked about the overhang on the building and it’s a canopy. How much would be added to the building with canopy. Adam said that along the side there will be no merchandise. He said in the front there will be some, but not along the side. Adam said the outside will not be canopied other than the garden center that is being added to the store. Adam showed the greenhouse area and where the point of sales would be. Mr. Hastings said there is an allowable 30,000 square feet of building in this zone.
  • Anne Bright of Gardenside spoke and said that air quality will be affected, and this does not belong where they want to put it. She said a building of that size is not wanted in the Village and the residents need to be considered and their wellbeing. She said this is a waste of time and this doesn’t fit. Mrs. Bright said that this will cause extra health issues if its built and when being built.
  • Dana Lampron said that everything he has tried to do has been met with resistance. He said the option is that he can do housing if this fails, but he can do 350 2 unit apartments. He also said that a traffic study will be done, and they have a right to develop it. He said this is more effective and it’s a cash cow for the Town.
  • Cara Childs, Blake Road, said she is not interested in cash but quality of life. She said once a project gets waivers, they want more and more. She said that this is not wanted in this area. Cara said she can’t agree with it and she said she is speaking for her husband as well. She read a statement from her husband about not granting waivers and special exceptions, saying when they get one, they want more and more. He said that when he was on the Planning Board and Pit Stop Fuels came before the Board, they wanted special exceptions and waivers too. He said he urges people to look at the Comprehensive Plan and Grow Smart needs to be taken into consideration.
  • Dana Lampron said he asked for special exceptions because he needed them and was granted by the Board. He said he is not going to apologize for any of it.
  • Sandra Thurston, Oak Hill Road, said stick to the plan and what matches. She said they are trying to work their way under the Board’s skin to get what they want. She said the Comprehensive Plan is written for pedestrians and does not fit in this part of Town.
  • Robert Randall, Randall Orchards, said this is a pretty big project and it is impossible to meet everyone’s needs and what they want. He said the project looks good and will benefit everyone in Town.
  • Jeff Cutler, Dow Road, asked when the Comprehensive Plan was created, and Mrs. Biegel said 2006. Mr. Cutler said its 2023 and Mrs. Biegel said he needs to realize other work was done after 2006. He asked what other businesses we have developed in the center of Town, and he wondered why nothing has been developed. He said the traffic problem isn’t because of business, it’s because of the residential development and that is what is killing the small rural towns. He said that the high concentration of high residential content of the town is because of residences. He said he feels that if this was a different building for a different use, people would be on board with that. He said we are fixated on its this or its nothing and people need to keep an open mind. He said there are some that want business growth to offset the tax burden to the people.
  • Maurie Hill, Wildridge Road, said we are hearing from a lot of different people, and we have had new business development in the town. She asked if what we are talking about is sidewalks for walk ability. Mr. Brown said the sidewalk would be developed along the new road and not something we are talking about tonight.
  • Louis Dudek, BE Road, said he is confused about outdoor space. He said there is a 20,000 square foot parking lot and no one is concerned. Mr. Brown said they are required to have many parking spaces for so many square feet of retail space and can’t be used for anything other than parking. Mrs. Boxer said there will be stuff in the parking lot like trailers, dog cages, etc. Adam said the outdoor storage and display is fenced and shielded by the building towards the Hannaford side. He said that the whole thing will be shielded when the lot in front of them is developed. Adam said they are essentially the back lot, with no display in the parking lot itself. He said the trailers would be in a designated site.

Motion to close the public hearing. All in favor.

Mrs. Biegel said she would like to address some of the comments made as she feels they are valid. She said the plan will cause a lot of change and the code was designed to have compatibility. She spoke about the Town of Brunswick and how pedestrian friendly it is. She said there are neighborhoods behind the different shops. Mrs. Biegel said the doors and windows which are going to be locked are not compatible. She said businesses are created so that people can walk about the village and the stores are there creating the village. She said its not so much about how its set but how it functions and are box stores are not in the middle of any village. She asked if you would like to live next to a box store? Mrs. Biegel said with the 55 and older community, this is being thrown in and is different and out of proportion with what they bought, making their property values go down.

Mrs. Biegel said that the form-based code is intended to build villages where people can walk around to get to different places. She said that she feels the purpose of the functionality is not understood. She said we have seen some businesses come to town. She thinks it would be beautiful to have a lot of homes on that land and walk to pick berries and apples, go to Hannaford, etc. She said she doesn’t want to see the board jump to let this box store in. A motion was made to reopen the public hearing, all in favor.

Jeff Cutler said he used to be excited about the Comprehensive Plan but feels something is broken. He said the notion of the village Mrs. Biegel is talking about is not there. He said we have some micro businesses, but he doesn’t see anyone walking to them. Mrs. Biegel said there are no sidewalks, and Mr. Cutler said to fix it. He said their vision back then is not working now and this is all we have got. He said the town has seen very little growth and something must give somewhere. He said Mr. Lampron has the right to drop 350 homes and that is something people do not want to see. He said we are doing nothing but consuming ourselves. Mrs. Biegel asked Mr. Cutler if he would want to live next to this store. He said he wasn’t sure because he didn’t know what it was going to look like. He said that maybe this isn’t the perfect solution, but it’s something and maybe will lead to creating the village she talks about. Jeff said the Board needs to focus on compromise and he is tired of hearing no one working together within the Town Council and other boards.

Mrs. Biegel said that there must have been a compromise with Family Dollar and now people do not like it. She said no one follows the plan and the plan lasts for years and years. She said it’s much better to have designated growth areas and people need to follow the plan before we get another one. Mr. Lampron said this sounds more like a committee meeting than a Planning Board meeting trying to figure out what to do. He said that the elephant in the room is that people will shop elsewhere, and we will still get the traffic from all the other towns no matter what we do. He asked if anyone would like to build a house on Rt.25 as he said that he would not. He asked where else they would like to build it and they are going to build their own road and sidewalks.

Mrs. Biegel said she did not want to monopolize the meeting, but she feels compelled. Standish was chosen for Grow Smart Maine because it’s a model town and undeveloped in the infield. She said that on the backlands, this was supposed to be a network of neighborhoods, not box stores. Mr. Brown said that she had mentioned Brunswick and he said there were big stores mixed in. Mrs. Biegel said those had windows to shop and places to go. She said you need a visual interest to keep going and the Town spent a lot of money to put that plan in place. She said the plan does not have to be thrown out because of one box store and it will set the stage for many other things to come. She said if the Board votes for that, then they are throwing the code out.

Mr. Gere said that the code does allow for a 30,000 square foot building in this area and this proposal is only two thirds of that. He said when all the work on the plan went into place, this allowed for a project like this. He told Mrs. Biegel with this being an allowed use, something in her argument is missing. She said that if the main door was on the town avenue, if the windows were clear and doors opened, you could have this. She said no matter how you slice this; you will have a blank wall. Mrs. Boxer asked if the front of the building was on the Main Avenue, how would she feel. Mrs. Biegel said that would be a game changer as they could walk around. Mr. Brown said no matter where you put it, it would be seen somewhere. Adam said that Route 25 is your main street, and they would not be on Rt.25, but their own road. He said they are trying to be compatible and does everyone want to see the side. He said that if they face Rt.25, that will mean that their new road would now be the town’s main avenue. He said to concentrate on Rt.25 making that their main street, not the new road. He said they came to this site because it allows for what they want to build.

Adam said he is not trying to be the enemy, but he is here because this allows for what they propose to put there. Mr. Wright said two cases are being made and they could use the business in the town, and he finds himself split. He said Tractor Supply is a good business and this is not a foot traffic business, he said he does not see the middle ground on this. He asked if they are doing the project in a way that can be beneficial to everyone and maybe there can there be a passageway to link things together. Is this the type of structure wanted in the village and can they meet the architectural structure needs? Adam said that he understands the village look and a lot of towns have made these kinds of businesses work. He said he has been working with the town and feels they meet the code.

Mr. Hastings talked about the master plan connectivity and what each lot must have and how everything can be connected. Mr. Brown asked about the connectivity to the turnpike and Mr. Hastings said right now the plan doesn’t come to Standish. Mr. Lampron asked about the waivers and is this new. Mr. Hastings said those recently passed this past winter and were approved thru the Town Council. He said he feels they are not asking for something that wasn’t already put into place. Maurie Hill said that this building should be turned and make it walking accessible from Gardenside or other areas nearby. Sandra Thurston asked who owns the land being talked about and Mr. Brown said Mr. Lampron owns one of them. She said that the land is so highly priced that no one can afford it. Mr. Brown said the tax assessor’s office could tell her who owns it. Public hearing closed.

Mr. Brown said the applicant has made many changes since the last meeting to the building as asked for by the Board. Adam said the front of the building is a little over 20 feet high. Mr. Brown said they cannot change the entrance to the building and the parking lot needs to stay where it is. Mr. Gere asked about two main entrances and Adam said not on a typical Tractor Supply building as they would have to modify their interior of the store. Mr. Walton asked how many total doors and Adam said there are typically 3 main doors, one rollup door and one side door, all up to code. Adam said that it would be difficult to re-orient the store due to the doors. Mrs. Biegel said for clarification they are asking for waivers for the nonfunctioning doors, not having a flat roof and no clear glass. She said there will be more as the project goes along. She said they will go for a waiver on signage, and it seems to her that there are more than three waivers being asked for. Mr. Hastings said they must meet the sign requirements. Mrs. Biegel asked about a second floor being required, a window in the dormer for aesthetics, and all the waivers they are asking for.

Mrs. Biegel said the building is supposed to have a colonial feel to it. Mr. Hastings said they can have modifications as in his memo. Mrs. Biegel said there is a lot of double speak and there are functioning doors that do not function. Adam said they are real doors but not functional. He said he could stick a fake door there, but he is fully aware of what they are. Mrs. Boxer asked how long Tractor Supply would stay and Adam said it’s usually a long time, maybe 30 years. She said there is no one coming in to create a village and this is one store. She said there will be an interior road that we do not have now, and this is a start, plus it’s not going to take up much space in the village. Mr. Wright said that Mr. Randall has property and maybe be something down the road like a park or something. Mrs. Biegel said you must have a vision and now there is TIFF money available. She said the TIFF can work with others doing infrastructure. She said the Board knows we have a lot of housing going in, and this needs to be looked at in the long term. She said it’s not Carolyn Biegel against Tractor Supply, but this is a box store that no one wants to live next to. She said that when you do Planning, you need to plan long term. Mr. Brown said the Council gave them the authority to grant waivers and Mrs. Biegel said there must be intent to meet the code and she is having a hard time seeing that the intent meets the code.

Mr. Wright spoke about how hard it is for local businesses and small businesses to thrive in various places. He said it’s being assumed that if the Board grants the waivers, then it will be done for every project. He said that its not our job to predict the future but to make decisions that help the Town. Mr. Brown spoke about Windham and housing going in around the box stores there in various places. He told Mrs. Biegel that he understands her many concerns and if these waivers are granted, they will have or not have a long-term effect. Mr. Wright said he thinks that the Planning Board needs to look at these waivers and their impact on the Town. Mr. Walton asked if there is a possibility of having a farmers’ market on Tractor Supply’s property. Adam said they are very family oriented, but this could be a liability for them. Mr. Walton said the vendors could be on the side of the building and possibly food trucks also. Mrs. Biegel said we are bending over backwards for the applicant. Mr. Hastings said that he feels the Board cannot make decisions on this as it’s not relevant to meet the code. Mr. Brown said we need a motion to move this along or table this application. Mr. Hastings said the applicant needs some direction from the Board.

Mrs. Biegel made a motion not to grant the waiver for the nonfunctioning doors and non-clear windows. There was no second to the motion, motion fails.

 Mr. Gere made a motion to accept all three waivers as written. This was seconded by Mr. Brown. Mrs. Biegel asked how this meets the intent of the code and Mr. Brown said the doors can be unlocked and things moved. He said that the doors can be functional for individual shops in the future and the glass can be changed out if necessary. Mrs. Beigel said this is not pedestrian friendly. Mr. Brown said that in years to come, if there are individual doors and windows, pedestrians will come up to them, going from door to door. Mr. Wright asked Mrs. Biegel where the foot traffic would come from. She said that we will have other box stores and housing will not happen. She said this is getting us to how Windham is and there are ramifications. Mrs. Biegel made a motion that the glass be clear. Mr. Wright said that he wants his children to stay here but they may choose to go elsewhere because of what they have to offer. Mrs. Biegel said she has a farm, and this is not where Tractor Supply goes, even though she shops there. There was no second to Mrs. Beigels motion for clear glass, motion failed. The motion to approve (motion made by Mr. Gere and seconded by Mr. Brown) the 3 waivers was voted on, five for and one against (Mrs. Biegel).

Mrs. Boxer spoke about removing the red stripe around the building and have the clap board siding like the rest of the building. There was a motion by Mrs. Boxer and seconded by Mr. Walton. Adam said the red stripe is branding and Mrs. Boxer said there doesn’t have to be any branding. Adam asked if they could keep the red stripe by the door. Mrs. Biegel said if they want the red, have the red, if not have it removed. Mr. Wright said that the design, being more like Hannaford, was very well done. All in favor of the motion that was made by Mrs. Boxer and seconded by Mr. Walton.

Mr. Walton asked about a corner entry door. Adam said that this is a creative solution but there has never been a Tractor Supply with that. He said all their layouts are specifically designed the same way in each store. He said he feels that Tractor Supply will not go for this and will not change the current layout. He said it depends on what they want, and he feels if they have to move the primary entrance or have a corner entrance, it will kill the project. Mr. Brown said there is a back door and Adam said that is an employee entrance and a double door would be used for a fire door with a push bar. Mrs. Biegel asked which door is the functional door for entry. Mr. Hastings said that will be the door at the front, Mrs. Biegel said the entry way is supposed to be off the avenue, but nothing says that must be the primary door. Mr. Hastings said that door is the one that was just voted on and modified. Mrs. Biegel said the language is being manipulated and we can make anything happen.

Mr. Walton made a motion seconded by Mr. Wright to table this application until more information is submitted. All in favor.

  • Pine Tree Estates, 580 Ossipee Trail W, Map 6, Lot 15, Map 5, Lots 32,33- Site Plan Application to expand mobile home park by additional 133 manufactured homes.

Mrs. Boxer made a motion seconded by Mr. Walton to table this application at the applicant’s request. All in favor.

New Business:

  • Roger Mosley DBA Standish BE Solar 1, LLC, 425 Bonny Eagle Road, Map 6, Lot 64- Request to extend approval for solar array (previously approved on 12/06/2021.)

Andrew Vardakis from WSP (formerly Soltage) was present to represent the applicant. He gave a brief overview of the project and said their project approval was due to expire soon. He said they came back in 2021 for a plan modification and they are now requesting an extension, as this has been held up by Central Maine Power. He said there are no changes and no activity on the project. Mr. Vardakis said he is not sure when CMP will give them the go ahead.

Mr. Hastings said nothing has changed. The ordinances and previous review are the same. Mrs. Boxer made a motion to accept the application as complete, seconded by Mr. Walton. All in favor. A motion to approve the project was made by Mrs. Boxer. Mr. Hastings said there is a typo in the road width, which public works needs to approve. Mr. Vardakis asked how long this approval would be for and Mr. Hastings said for another three years. Mr. Brown said a couple of items on the plan need to be updated with bearings and distances on the plan. Verbally he said they had this, but not on paper.

Jeff Cutler from Dow Road asked if the applicant could show them where the project is located at the second field from Rt.35. Mr. Brown said the access road that was used for a wood harvest will be used for the access. Mr. Vardakis showed Mr. Cutler. Mr. Cutler asked if these generate noise and Mr. Vardakis said it’s a very lo humming and not a violation of the sound ordinance. Mrs. Biegel asked if this goes through someone else’s property and Mr. Brown said a wetland goes through the middle, but the entire piece belongs to Mr. Mosley.

Mr. Walton seconded the motion by Mrs. Boxer to approve the application. All in favor.

  • Martin Secord, 301 Boundary Road, Map 34, Lot 44-Subdivision review and Site Plan Application to build a duplex.


Mr. Gere recused himself from the project as the engineering firm is Sebago Technics and he works for them.

Martin Secord was present to represent himself and said he would like to build a duplex on the property. He said he sold a parcel of land earlier this year and this puts him into subdivision. Mr. Hastings said this is both site plan review and subdivision. He said some items were missing from the paperwork, but he now has them. Mr. Hastings said we are missing the stormwater drainage plan and the test pits. There is a full septic plan. He said that the drainage is unclear, and a culvert may be needed. Mr. Secord said that there are two culverts going in by Leavitt Earthworks. Mr. Brown asked about the culverts and Mrs. Boxer said there are wetland issues, and she would like a site walk. Mr. Brown said the plan is missing monumentation and Mr. Secord said he has spoken to the engineer about it, so this will be taken care of. Mr. Brown said the monuments are granite.

Mr. Brown showed where he thought the line was along the Phinney property. Mrs. Biegel asked about the 200 feet of frontage and is the frontage off from the new road going in or off from Boundary Road. Mr. Hastings said they will have frontage off the new road, which will be a private way. Mr. Brown said without the drainage plan, the application is not complete and that would show their drainage, culverts and monumentation. Mr. Hastings said the Board should get what culverts are being used and Mr. Secord said either 15- or 18-inch culverts. Mr. Brown said a grading plan wasn’t needed for a duplex in his opinion.

Mr. Brown asked if stumps would be buried on site or hauled away, Mr. Secord said they would be hauled away. Mrs. Biegel asked about a performance guarantee to at least cover erosion control if the project is not completed. Mr. Hastings said large projects are required to have them in place, but not the small projects like this. He said the performance guarantee for subdivisions is to guarantee that the buyer of the lots gets work done that was in the subdivision plans and conditions of approval.

Mr. Secord said the other lot was sold in April of 2023. Mr. Secord said he lives right there also. Mr. Brown said that in the erosion and control plan we should be able to see all the drainage, silt fence, etc. Mr. Secord said he sold the lot in 2023 to Dan Hawxwell and he live on lot 2 in the plan and Greg Ford owned the entire lot before he purchased it. Mr. Brown said that the plan should have the area on it. Mr. Secord said after this there will be about 35 acres. He said he is putting in the road as the lot is wet and he would like to go with two overhead poles and then underground for the power. Mr. Hastings said this would get him over the wetland. A site walk was scheduled for Monday, July 24, 2023 beginning at 4:30pm. Mr. Secord said that Sebago technics has staked out the septic, monuments, road, irons and duplex location. Mr. Brown said the Board needs the drainage plan as well. Mr. Hastings said they need the test pits also, two per lot in case one fails.

A public hearing was opened, there were no comments.  A motion to table this was made and seconded by Mrs. Boxer to table this until the August meeting. All in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:40pm

These minutes were amended and approved by the Standish Planning Board on September 11, 2023 at the Planning Board meeting.