Town Council Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 8, 2016



7:00 PM


The meeting was called to order by Chair Olson and Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Councilors present:  Blanck, Higgins, Nesbitt, Olson, Ordway, Pomerleau and Sargent.


Chair Olson noted that on page 3, the second paragraph, should be amended as follows:


        ……..that the Capital Improvements Committee didn't’t meet is this month, however …..

After this correction was made the minutes from the February 9 meeting were accepted by unanimous consent.

The Clerk read a thank-you card from the Active Senior Citizens of Standish acknowledging the financial support the group received from the town.


Departmental Report was provided by Fire Chief Rob Caron.  First, Chief Caron thanked the Council and residents for their continued support of the department.  He continued to report the yearly call statistics and thanked the following individuals for the efforts they contributed building a utility vehicle from a government surplus vehicle acquired from the Forestry Department: Kevin Warren, Peter Warren, Matt Warren, Peter Gillespie, Dan Dyer, Nate Wood and countless others that completed this project in the allotted time period, saving the town thousands of dollars.

Scott Gesualdi the Finance Director presented a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation of the FY 2017 Town Manager’s Budget.  The complete budget document is available on the town’s web site.

Budget Committee member, Ellen Kasprzyk asked the Finance Director to supply her with an electronic copy of the budget that includes the formulas of the spreadsheet.

Budget Committee member, Walter Wasson asked that the Finance Director provide copies of the February Finance Committee Reports to Budget Committee members.

After a Public Hearing without additional public or Council discussion the hearing was closed.

17-16 Application Submitted by Michael Baptista and Elaine Baptista Burnham dba Acres of Wildlife Campground located at 60 Acres of Wildlife Road for Renewal of a Malt, Spirituous and Vinous Campground License [Olson]

Chair Olson said that this is the annual renewal of the application, which is in order.

After a Public Hearing without additional public or Council discussion, the Council voted on the application and the hearing was closed.

VOTE: 7 Yeas

Councilor Pomerleau announced that the Public Safety Committee met and discussed Route 114 traffic issues.  She noted that Deputy Brown would be helping them with this matter.  She said that the committee also discussed replacing the flags in the three villages.

Councilor Blanck noted that the Ordinance Committee did not meet in February because all the items that they have been working on, are pending receiving information from other groups.  

Councilor Sargent explained that the Capital Improvements Committee reviewed the bids that were submitted for the grounds maintenance contract.  Eight bids were received with a $38,000 spread between the high and low bidder.  He explained that the contractor was interviewed and then taken to inspect the various facilities.  The order to award the bid is later on the agenda.

Councilor Nesbitt informed them that the Finance Committee met yesterday and the town’s revenues and expenditures are as expected.  He disclosed that due to the mild winter and low gas prices expenditures in that departmental line are lower than budgeted.  He explained that an order to obtain tax anticipating borrowing is on the agenda tonight.   

Councilor Nesbitt reported that the Beach Committee will meet here on Thursday night.  He revealed that Jen DeRice will attend the meeting to present out building updates and other developments to the committee. 

Councilor Higgins informed them that the Recycling Committee will meet later in the month.  The recycling numbers were up in February.  She stated that the Bottles for Fuel program is still accepting donations. 

Councilor Ordway explained that that MSAD 6 Budget Advisory continues to meet, due to state funding shifts, some municipalities funding will go down some will go up based on the state evaluation.  He said that at this time it appears that the MSAD 6 funding will be reduced by approximately $50,000.  He expressed his opinion was that even with that reduction, the mil rate would be manageable.   He mentioned that they continue to look for members.


There were no consent items on the agenda.

11-16 Amendment to Standish Town Code, Chapter 252, Streets and Sidewalks, Section 252-27, Development of Roadway and Sidewalk Plans (First Reading) [Blanck]
Moved by Sargent seconded by Blanck and voted to dispense with the Clerks reading of ordinance amendment. (Unanimous)
Councilor Blanck explained that this the update to the ordinance references the PACT’s conceptual plan.
Chair Olson said that this is the summary of the most recent report of the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation planning group, who look at the area as a whole in their report.
Chair Olson called for public comments. There was none.
Chair Olson called for Council comments:

Councilor Higgins said that she was not a fan of this plan.  She said that she understands that this is a conceptual plan, however, was concerned that it may create more of a traffic issue.  She said that she would like to hear from the people whose property is involved.

Chair Olson said that there will be no action from this – it is only a conceptual plan.

Councilor Nesbitt commented that a lot of residents joined in the earlier discussions when this was brought forward in the fall.  He recalled that there was much positive feedback at those meetings.  He explained that this conceptual plan will help when a piece of land is being developed to see the connectivity of the plan.  He said that he believes this plan is good for the Town of Standish.

Chair Olson questioned if the report was still posted on the web site.

The Clerk said that it can be found under the News and Announcements tab on the web site.

Councilor Blanck informed them that the Ordinance Committee has reviewed this conceptual document he shared that its recommendations are not fixed items.

Councilors Sargent noted that the bypass in Gorham took many years to come to fruition before funds were allocated to construct the road.  This is a PACTs proposal which would eliminate approximately 20 % of the traffic through Standish Village.  He said that this is a conceptual plan that helps us look to the future for possible solutions to traffic issues in our town.

Chair Olson said that the Route 25 and Route 35 intersection has been deemed a failed intersection according to the state.  She explained that the PACTs report may assist the town in obtaining funding for road improvements in the future.

Councilor Higgins said that she was under the understanding that due to the change of the location of the Oak Hill Road access the intersection is now deemed less dangerous.

Although the public input had closed, Chair Olson allowed an individual from the public to address the Council.

Kate Watters of 85 Ossipee Trail West questioned if the public had any say in the road being diverted around the intersection.  She asked if the property owners would have any say in the matter.

Chair Olson said there would be public hearings, in addition abutter notices are sent under certain circumstances.

Town Planner, Bud Benson explained that the intent of this conceptual plan is that when a developer brings forward a plan they wouldn’t be looking a building a dead-end road serving their property.  They would look at it in a way to see how they can connect with the abutters to make a continuous road. This strategy will improve traffic flow in the village.


18-16 Town of Standish Town Council Orders Authorizing Tax Anticipation Borrowing [Nesbitt]

Moved by Sargent seconded by Ordway and voted to dispense with the Clerks reading of order. (Unanimous)

Councilor Nesbitt said that an order like this is usually brought forward twice a year to help the town pay its obligations until the tax payments start coming in.  This order allows the Finance Director to secure short term borrowing.

Chair Olson reiterated that this is to assist the town with cash flow. 

Chair Olson called for public comments. There were none.

Chair Olson called for Council comments. There were no additional Council comments.

VOTE: 7 Yeas         

19-16 Resolution Establishing June 23rd, 24th and 25th as the “Standish Summer Spectacular” Weekend [Town Council]

Recreation Director, Jen DeRice explained that additional information relating to the Summer Spectacular is available on the Recreation web site.  She explained that there are a number of ways in which businesses or residents can get involved with the Spectacular – those opportunities are listed on the web site.  She highlighted the events of the weekend encouraging all to attend.

Chair Olson said that it’s a great event.

Jen DeRice notified them that nominations are being accepted for the parades Grand Marshal until April 28, 2016.

Chair Olson called for public comments. There were none.

Chair Olson called for Council comments. There were none.

VOTE: 7 Yeas

20-16 Award Bid and Authorize Contract for Field and Grounds Maintenance [Sargent]

Councilor Sargent advised them the vendor had been interviewed and given a tour of the town’s facilities that are to be covered under the contract.  Councilor Sargent noted that the bids ranged from $14,250 to $51,210, the vendor selected was the low bidder and comes highly recommended from other customers.

Chair Olson called for public comments. There were none.

Chair Olson called for Council comments. There were none.

VOTE: 7 Yeas

21-16 Amendment to Standish Town Code, Chapter 106, Boating, §106-5, Fees (Introduction) [Blanck]

Councilor Blanck explained that although there are some that launch boats during inclement weather, it does not make sense to staff the boat launch facility every day.  This amendment allows staffing as determined by the department’s management.

Chair Olson called for public comments. There were none.

Chair Olson called for Council comments. There were no additional Council comments.


22-16 Acceptance of Street Name - Herrick’s Way [Olson]  

Chair Olson asked if this was a new road.

The Clerk noted it was a new road.

Chair Olson informed them that all reviewing departments have signed off on the request and the street name meets all requirements.

Chair Olson called for public comments. There were none.
Chair Olson called for Council comments. There were none.

VOTE: 7 Yeas

23-16 Amendment to Town Council Rules of Procedure [Olson]

Chair Olson explained that this change allows the staff time necessary to compile and post the Council packets.  Chair Olson disclosed per the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, this amendment lays on the table at this meeting and would be taken up as the first item of unfinished business at the next meeting.  

Councilor Ordway asked to be excused from the Council dais to speak at the podium as a member of the public.  At the podium Councilor Ordway read a letter from the Standish Republican Committee thanking the Town Clerk, Mary Chapman for her efforts on behalf of the Town of Standish.  
Several upcoming meetings were announced.

The Clerk announced the upcoming board/committee openings that nomination papers would be available for beginning March 21.

An executive session was not needed at this meeting.
Moved by Blanck seconded by Ordway wan voted to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Submitted by: _______________________________________